Friday 29th April 2022 from 9am

Wills & Estates Senior Associate Debbie Sage will join Robyn Hyland to talk about the importance of planning for end-of-life care and what options are available.

Attwood Marshall Lawyers Sponsor Hollindale Stakes on Prime Minister`s Cup Day at the Gold Coast Turf Club



We all know what a great jockey Darren Beadman is – who can forget his rides on Octagonal, Lohnro and Saintly. When he left riding for 12 months to concentrate on bible studies, he said that God had told him to do this. Champion trainer Bart Cummings told him he should get a ‘second opinion’!

It was no surprise to see him as understudy to John O’Shea with the mighty Godolphin stable and what a fantastic wealth of knowledge and experience to have on the team. When O’Shea recently parted ways with Godolphin, Darren Beadman urgently applied for his trainers licence – it was confirmed just last Friday, the day before the Prime Ministers Cup race day on the Gold Coast. His first Group 2 win as a trainer was the Hollindale Stakes, a quality 1800 metre race which has been knocking on the door to be upgraded to a Group 1 race. The win of It’s Somewhat will lend further weight to that Group 1 cause – he being a Group 1 Doncaster winner. There is a long list of true champions who have won the race – Rough Habit (twice), Durbridge, Danewin, Might & Power, Shogun Lodge (twice), and Streama are just some of the Group 1 winners.

The ride of Tye Angland on It’s Somewhat was very well weighted, leading the whole race and knowing he had a tough horse underneath. But it was the story of the ascension of Darren Beadman as a trainer that caught everyone’s attention. Many champion jockeys try their hand at training and fail to match their skills as a rider. It remains to be seen how he will go and whether Godolphin will stick with him. James Cummings has been touted as O’Shea’s replacement but maybe Beadman will get the nod. He certainly seemed comfortable in the role at the picturesque Gold Coast race track on Saturday, as did Godolphin boss Henry Plumptre, although Henry has stated Beadman will be ‘filling in’ until they find a replacement.

It was a thrill and a privilege to sponsor the A D Hollindale Stakes for Attwood Marshall Lawyers. With talk of the Prime Minister’s Cup to be scrapped, this may open up the race day being officially the ‘A D Hollindale Stakes Day’. This would be an appropriate acknowledgement of the late Allan Hollindale who was a huge contributor to the GCTC in so many ways. It was fitting to have Allan’s son Ian Hollindale to assist in the presentation on behalf of the Hollindale family.

Attwood Marshall are one of the few legal firms who can provide specialist advice in the Thoroughbred Breeding and Racing industry. We have senior lawyers who have a lifetime of experience as owners and breeders in the industry. We offer a free initial appointment. Please contact our Commercial Litigation Department Manager, Amanda Heather on direct line 07 5506 8245, email or free call 1800 621 071.

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Jeff Garrett - Legal Practice Director - Wills & Estates, Estate Litigation, Property & Commercial, Compensation Law, Commercial Litigation, Criminal Law, Racing & Equine Law

Jeff Garrett

Legal Practice Director
Wills & Estates, Estate Litigation, Property & Commercial, Compensation Law, Commercial Litigation, Criminal Law, Racing & Equine Law

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